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Sign up to receive free e-mail newsletters and gain the excitement of feeling that someone really understands you and your struggles!

In these newsletters, M'nucha shares inspiration, advice, and support to encourage and empower you to find your zivug!

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Welcome to
Navigating the
Shidduch Maze
with M’nucha!

Here you can be supported, encouraged, 

and empowered to find your zivug!

Starting shidduchim and don’t know what to look for in a spouse?
Overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting advice that you have been given?
Dating for years and feeling stuck, burnt-out or confused?

Are you searching for guidance, for someone who can understand you, validate you, encourage you, and support you in navigating the shidduch maze

calmly and with menuchas hanefesh?

Are you ready to learn the secrets of navigating the shidduch maze?

As someone who has endured a number of years in the shidduch maze, M'nucha knows how painful and confusing the shidduch maze can be. To help herself survive and thrive, she devoted herself to studying the topic extensively. 
M'nucha has used the knowledge she gleaned to escape the shidduch maze and to support many other singles in finding and recognizing their zivug. 


Inspiring, Empowering Newsletter

Choosing a marriage partner is probably the most important decision you will ever make, yet it is a decision fraught with confusion and fear.  As a shidduch coach and author of Don’t Panic! How to Navigate the Shidduch Maze, M'nucha has designed three different Shidduch Dating Programs to support YOU through this process!

Join Our 3 Unique Programs

New!!!!  Mentoring/training therapists, shadchanim and dating coaches

Details to be announced.

Personal coaching for therapists, shadchanim, and dating coaches who work with singles

I'm currently developing a program which will probably start in September where I will train people intensively on how to guide singles through the dating maze.  I plan on teaching you tons about singles, anxiety, relationships, getting them to progress, what is normal, what is not, understanding different personality types and how they date differently, helping singles understand each other and the person they are dating, plus much, much more.  
Weekly interactive group zoom
meetings (women only)

20 week Don’t Panic!
How to Navigate
the Shidduch Maze

Weekly group sessions
for 20 weeks (women only)
Option of pre-recorded sessions for men & women
Learn the steps and skills you need to navigate the shidduch maze, with Q&A at the end of each session.

Private Coaching:
Three hour

Private coaching
Three hour workshop to get to know yourself and your kochos. Gain clarity about what YOU need in a spouse. Plus private, personal one-on-one coaching on a weekly basis or on an as-needed basis.
"I feel that your teleconference taught me many life lessons-
not just merely for dating. I really enjoy your sense of humor, positivity, and your organized style.  Thanks SO SO much again! This was a blessing from shamayim!"
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Available at

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The indispensable guide you need for
the most important decision in your life!

Dont Panic!

How to Navigate the Shidduch Maze

© 2022 by M'nucha Bialik

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